Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse

Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse

Spring brings new growth and regeneration, the perfect time to practice self-care and refresh your mind and body in preparation for the warmer months. Ayurveda offers a gentle and time-tested method for cleansing and detoxifying. These seasonal changes are ideal for cleansing the body as you are already undergoing transition.

A 3–7-day Kitchari cleanse is best. Why? Kitchari is made of rice and mung dal and contains carbs, fats, and proteins, making it a well-rounded, easy-to-digest meal. Rather than having your body use energy to digest and break down foods, this allows the body to cleanse and renew any accumulated toxins built up from the colder months. Sip warm water and eliminate caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, and other stimulants during your cleanse. A Kitchari cleanse is a mono-diet because you only eat one food for a set period. Should you need a snack, you can consume sunflower seeds or nuts and may add warm, fresh vegetables to your Kitchari. 

Some benefits of your cleanse may be:

  • Improved skin

  • Reduced Cravings

  • Improved Sleep

  • Balanced Digestion

  • Relaxed nervous system & calmer mind

  • Increased energy levels

  • Overall well-being

When transitioning out of the cleanse, gently reintroduce one or two new foods per day. Your body has become used to a more simplified diet. An example would be to add whole-grain bread, eggs, fresh fruits, etc. It's best not to overwhelm your digestive fire. An ayurvedic spring cleanse is a great self-care practice that is gentle yet powerful, almost like hitting the reset button.

Disclaimer: Listen to your body; should you experience extreme dizziness, weakness, or lightheadedness, gradually transition off the cleanse. If you have questions or concerns, always consult with an ayurvedic practitioner or your health care provider.

For a Kitchari Recipe Click Here.


What I Learned in Yoga Philosophy…


Kitchari Recipe